1.       The Board shall post all extra-curricular position vacancies for at least three (3) working days.  Teachers qualified for any posted position(s) shall be considered first to fill the vacancy.  If the Board intends to offer a higher rate of compensation than is contained in the original posting, the position shall be re-posted for at least an additional three (3) working days.  Again, Teachers shall be considered first for the vacancy at the higher pay.  If the Board shall employ any non-teacher to perform any of the duties listed in the extra-curricular schedule of this agreement, the Superintendent or designee shall so advise the Association President or designee before employment starts.  Such advisement shall include the rate of compensation for each duty.


The Association President shall receive documentation of such vacancy within five (5) working days of their availability.


2.       If a teacher’s extra assignment is not to be renewed for the following school year, the teacher must be notified in writing:


a.    for fall sports no later than January 15,

b.    for winter sports no later than May 15,

c.    for spring sports no later than June 30,

d.    for all other extra curricular assignments no later than June 30


If a teacher’s extra assignment for the following school year is not to be renewed, the teacher must be notified in writing, including a statement of the reason(s) for the non-renewal.  If a teacher’s extra-curricular assignment is eliminated, the teacher shall be notified in writing no later than ten (10) business days following the final decision to eliminate the assignment.  Subject to the above provisions, nothing in this section limits the Board’s discretion to non-renew a teacher’s extra-curricular assignments or not to fill a particular position.


3.     The District and Association shall jointly develop job descriptions for all coaching and other extracurricular positions by August 15, 2007.  Job descriptions shall set forth each position’s duties and responsibilities, as well as the yearly duration of each position, and the daily hours (start and end times of the day) of work that may be required.


The Board shall not terminate or refuse to renew a bargaining unit member’s contract to coach or fill any other extracurricular position due to the bargaining unit member’s having failed to perform work that is outside the job description.  Nor shall a bargaining unit member be terminated from a coaching or other extracurricular position or have his/her contract non-renewed due to his/her failure to work past the duration or hours (start and end times of the day) specified in the job description, or to perform any other duties that are not compensated under the regular stipend negotiated for the position.